Malcolm McRobert of Legacy Yacht Sales
When I recently decided to sell my little Flamenca "Quest", I elected to use Legacy Yacht Sales. For no particular reason than I bought her from Carl Olivier who started this company, and he turned out to be a good guy. Subsequently, Carl sold the business to Malcolm McRobert, with whom I had had some email exchanges on boat details previously. Malcolm seemed like a very decent bloke although I had never met him personally. I was keen to use a broker because they serve a very useful role as intermediary in the transaction, which makes it objective, safe and efficient. And so it was....
Due to the market being very low, and despite a steady stream of nibbles via the website etc, it was clear we would have to drop the price somewhat. We did eventually sell her (Quest) at about 20% less than the asking price. On account of this, Malcolm was very conciliatory regarding the commission - I won't spell it out in case someone thinks its a precedent! - but on account of the great service I insisted we stick to the original terms at 10%. Now even at 10% on such a small boat, its a lot of work for a broker. Paperwork was efficiently handled thanks to email and scanners etc. It was a dead-easy experience for me.
The proceeds of the sale were transferred promptly and in fact Malcolm even arranged to skipper the delivery of the boat up to Saldanha himself. That's 120% service as I see it. I am sure the buyer would offer similar views.
I must add I have no reason to doubt the service of the other brokers in town, but in this case I just happened to use Legacy, and would gladly use them again.
Malcolm's email.
Legacy Yacht Sales website.