Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Voyage of Delaney

Attached below you will find a beautiful and well written account of the "Voyage of Delaney". Delaney was a Flamenca (25' Berckemeyer design, reviewed previously in this blog). The owners and crew were Richard and Jill Webb. The story starts in 1974, set primarily South Africa and Mocambique. It's a great tale of big dreams and small boats, about young people, and a great sense of adventure. And it's not fiction - this is Richard and Jill's own account of the whole adventure.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one, having owned an identical Flamenca, also built by Henry Vink. They are tough and seaworthy little boats but any sea voyage in a 25 footer is a proper adventure. 

Read it here. It will open in Dropbox as a PDF - from where you can read it directly, or download a copy. (best to close the Dropbox sidebars etc, but it works fine)